Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This is Your Brain in Love by Dr. Earl Henslin

This is Your Brain in Love by Dr. Earl Henslin is a book on having a psychologically healthy brain for a better marriage.  The book focused on five different types of people: the “Scattered Lover”, the “Over-focused Lover”, the “Blue Mood Lover”, the “Agitated Lover”, and the “Anxious Lover”.  Within the chapter, there is a test to take to see if you have that specific tendency, ways to help the marriage, and also view on what part of the brain causes each one of these issues.
            The book did talk about all of these issues and can be helpful in a situation where a spouse has one of these psychological problems, but for the people who do not have those specific issues, I feel there is not much benefit.  However, the book was written well and did have interesting stories that opened my mind to problems that could arise in a marriage and how certain lifestyle changes can bring about more understanding and happiness between spouses.  It was also easy to read and did not get overly detailed when it came to the scientific brain scans.  I got a complementary copy of this book from BookSneeze®.

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